Thursday, December 24, 2015

Reysa Alenzuela


Post Graduate: Doctor of Philosophy. 2007. UNIVERSITY OF ILOILO

Masters in Library and Information Science. 2003. UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES.

Bachelor of Laws (132 units). 1998- 2002. UNIVERSITY OF SAN AGUSTIN

Undergraduate : Bachelor in Secondary Education (Cum Laude)
Major in English and Library Science. 1994- 1998. UNIVERSITY OF SAN AGUSTIN

November 2, 2012 - Present, Lecturer. Central Philippine University, Iloilo City

November 2, 2012 - Present, Bachelor of Library and Information Science (BLIS) Coordinator
University of San Agustin, Iloilo City

July 9, 2007– November 2, 2012 , Director, Thomas Jefferson Information Center
Embassy of the United States in the Philippines

June 1, 2003 – July 4, 2007, Director, Learning Resource Center. University of Iloilo

March 1, 1999 – May 31, 2003, Graduate School Librarian. University of Iloilo


Young Achiever’s Award
This award was given by University of the Philippines Library Science Alumni Association (UPLSAA) and the University of the Philippines School of Library and Information Studies (UP SLIS)
Bulwagang Tandang Sora, UP College of Social Work and Community Development, Diliman, Quezon City
May 25, 2013.

Best Paper Presentation. 3rd International Symposium on Emerging Trends and Technology in Library and Information Science at Jaypee University of Engineering & Technology Guna, India
October 26-27, 2012

Most Outstanding Alumnus in Information Science. December 17, 2012

LES (Locally Employed Staff) of the Month Embassy of the United States of America. July 2010

Best Library Program for 2009 (Institutional Award) Philippine Association of Academic Libraries . January 26, 2010


Guest Speaker. “Power by Numbers in Accreditation: Collaboration, Linkages and Parthership”. PLAI- Western Visayas Summer Conference. May 24- 25, 2013.

Guest Speaker. “National Conference of Public Librarians”. November 6-8, 2012

Paper Presenter. “The Thomas Jefferson Information Center Network : Shaping the Narratives of Dynamic Engagement.” 3rd International Symposium on Emerging Trends and Technology in Library and Information Science . Guna, India. October 26-27, 2012

Resource Person. Lecture on “Building Dynamic Engagement in Libraries”. Dumaguete City. October 18, 2012

Resource Speaker. “American Corners and It’s Benefit to the Filipino Public: Promoting Games in the Library” 2nd National Congress of Special libraries in the Philippines. August 2-3, 2012

Chair, Souvenir Committee. National Book Week 2011. Philippine Librarians Association, Inc.. November 24-30, 2011

Presenter. “Social Networking Tools and Rules for Libraries Converging in the Social-Media Driven Environs” 4th Rizal Library International Conference. October 21-22, 2010

Control Officer/ Facilitator/ Organizer and Moderator/ Lecturer in 35 fora, symposia, conferences, trainings all over the Philippines from January 2009- May 2011.

Reysa Alenzuela (2012). “The Thomas Jefferson Information Center Network : Shaping the Narratives of Dynamic Engagement.” p. 429-432. In Kataria, Sanjay et al. (eds). Future of Libraries in Digital Age. New Delhi: KBD Publications.

Preparedness for Government Monitoring and Evaluation and Institutional Performance of Academic Institutions in the Provinces of Panay and Guimaras. A Doctoral Dissertation presented to the University of Iloilo. March 2007.

Training Needs Assessment of Academic Archivists in Iloilo City. A Thesis presented to the University of the Philippines- Diliman. May 2003.

Problems and Trends in Academic Institutions in the Tertiary Level in Western Visayas. A research presented to Graduate School Department, University of Iloilo. October 2004.

Dear Ryza,

I already got the copy of your bio-data.
Can I ask you some personal questions to make my write-up more interesting?

1. Your birthday, and place of birth.
2. While in high school, did you ever think of becoming a librarian?
3. Why did you chose to become a librarian?
4. Now that you are a successful librarian, what else would you wish to be?
5. In your personal opinion, what else should be done to make library education in the Philippine more competitive to other professions in the Philippines.

Thank you and more power.

Nong Mel
16 minutes ago
Sir, here are my answers:
1. March 4, 1977 - Iloilo City
2. Never had a chance to know that librarianship was a profession. My parents expected me either to take up Political Science of Biology. They wanted me to take long courses. I landed in Bachelor in Secondary Education. Since I used to faint when I see numbers (hyperbole intended), I opted to take Bachelor in Secondary Education major in English but with my lofty goal to get an edge over others, I decided to have a double major -- so I opt for Library Science. If BLIS has been approved then, I would have taken up BLIS.
3. Some paths are winding but all lead to our purpose (I always believed in higher purpose) It wasn't by choice, its more of pragmatism. I don't exactly know the scope and depth of librarianship then. I just wanted a course where I can be sure I land a job after graduation and I have better chance to be promoted so I decided to take the road to librarianship. I've always been working out to be a good planner as you can see. Though I love books, I love to do research, there were several detours. I took up Bachelor of Laws dreaming to become a lawyer, also thought of studying abroad in Linguistics but when another opportunity knocked - to become the Director of University of Iloilo Learning Resource Center, I chose to focus and commit myself to librarianship. Supposedly Archives. But all my job lead me to managing libraries/ information center which I did for more than 15 years.
4. I'd wish to promote awareness of the importance of Archives and to develop library/ information science (LIS) education in the region into a world-class 21st century competitive one.
Archives is a very important endeavor oftentimes neglected or given the least priority but without these valuable materials our legacy, our society will be placed in oblivion. I do hope that soon I can promote it at least in WV.
We know that the pace of LIS development in the Phl is uneven -- mostly in the Capital Region. I wanted that LIS participation be also amplified in the region. We have great potentials. Having been working in the academe for a few months, I've seen the potential for growth in terms of graduates in the Visayas and Mindanao considering the demand aside from the undeniable fact that there is a great need for professional librarians. We need to produce more graduates to face the quick turn over (transfer) and potential brain drain. A lot of highly qualified LIS leave the country for a greener pasture. For mentors and academicians, we should not take it as a threat rather embrace this opportunity to show to the world that we can produce globally competitive graduates, we can supply the local and international demands with higly qualified graduates.
5. Despite the changes in our jobs as librarians brought about by emerging tehcnology, LIS are still stereotyped as old fashioned bookworms. Maybe we can strengthen our collaboration so we can be more visible, our impact and role in nation building be felt. To cite a few, we have a great role in promoting respect for intellectual property, we are the most authoritative profession to speak up for free access to information, we bridge the road to deepen undertsanding of cultures, we have sophisticated knowledge on evaluating and retrieving reliable information. We should do more proactive and engaging programs and keep up with fast pace of emerging technology. Thus LIS education should lead in the promotion of a culture of research, should inculcate that sense of pride in the profession, develop curricula that is geared towards honing creative, innovative and dynamic professionals.
So far, these are all I can think of.

Dear Ryza,

I already got the copy of your bio-data.
Can I ask you some personal questions to make my write-up more interesting?

1. Your birthday, and place of birth.
2. While in high school, did you ever think of becoming a librarian?
3. Why did you chose to become a librarian?
4. Now that you are a successful librarian, what else would you wish to be?
5. In your personal opinion, what else should be done to make library education in the Philippines more competitive to other professions in the Philippines.

Thank you and more power.

Nong Mel
6 minutes ago
Sir, here are my answers:
1. March 4, 1977 - Iloilo City
2. Never had a chance to know that librarianship was a profession. My parents expected me either to take up Political Science of Biology. They wanted me to take long courses. I landed in Bachelor in Secondary Education. Since I used to faint when I see numbers (hyperbole intended), I opted to take Bachelor in Secondary Education major in English but with my lofty goal to get an edge over others, I decided to have a double major -- so I opt for Library Science. If BLIS has been approved then, I would have taken up BLIS.
3. Some paths are winding but all lead to our purpose (I always believed in higher purpose) It wasn't by choice, its more of pragmatism. I don't exactly know the scope and depth of librarianship then. I just wanted a course where I can be sure I land a job after graduation and I have better chance to be promoted so I decided to take the road to librarianship. I've always been working out to be a good planner as you can see. Though I love books, I love to do research, there were several detours. I took up Bachelor of Laws dreaming to become a lawyer, also thought of studying abroad in Linguistics but when another opportunity knocked - to become the Director of University of Iloilo Learning Resource Center, I chose to focus and commit myself to librarianship. Supposedly Archives. But all my job lead me to managing libraries/ information center which I did for more than 15 years.
4. I'd wish to promote awareness of the importance of Archives and to develop library/ information science (LIS) education in the region into a world-class 21st century competitive one.
Archives is a very important endeavor oftentimes neglected or given the least priority but without these valuable materials our legacy, our society will be placed in oblivion. I do hope that soon I can promote it at least in WV.
We know that the pace of LIS development in the Phil is uneven -- mostly in the Capital Region. I wanted that LIS participation be also amplified in the region. We have great potentials. Having been working in the academe for a few months, I've seen the potential for growth in terms of graduates in the Visayas and Mindanao considering the demand aside from the undeniable fact that there is a great need for professional librarians. We need to produce more graduates to face the quick turn over (transfer) and potential brain drain. A lot of highly qualified LIS leave the country for a greener pasture. For mentors and academicians, we should not take it as a threat rather embrace this opportunity to show to the world that we can produce globally competitive graduates, we can supply the local and international demands with highly qualified graduates.
5. Despite the changes in our jobs as librarians brought about by emerging technology, LIS are still stereotyped as old fashioned bookworms. Maybe we can strengthen our collaboration so we can be more visible, our impact and role in nation building be felt. To cite a few, we have a great role in promoting respect for intellectual property, we are the most authoritative profession to speak up for free access to information, we bridge the road to deepen understanding of cultures, we have sophisticated knowledge on evaluating and retrieving reliable information. We should do more proactive and engaging programs and keep up with fast pace of emerging technology. Thus LIS education should lead in the promotion of a culture of research, should inculcate that sense of pride in the profession, develop curricula that is geared towards honing creative, innovative and dynamic professionals.
So far, these are all I can think of.